Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Bucket List

I am saying GOOD RIDDANCE to 2009 and in light of all that has happened this year I decide it would be a good idea to make my very own bucket list. Here goes nothing:

  1. Fall in love.
  2. Swim with sharks.
  3. Travel & see the world.
  4. Swim in a tub full of GREEN jello. (the green part is important, I have no idea why.)
  5. Learn to play the guitar.
  6. Get my degree.
  7. Have my own classroom.
  8. Learn to snowboard.
  9. Learn to ride a motorcycle.
  10. Learn to scuba dive.
  11. Visit the historic temples.
  12. Take a church history tour.
  13. See a show on Broadway.
  14. Get married in the temple.
  15. Take my kids to Disney World.
  16. Build my Dream House
  17. Become a noble woman with confidence that comes from giving myself to the Lord.
  18. Read the BOM every year.
  19. Raise my children in truth and light.
  20. Send my son on a mission.
  21. Have all of my children married in the temple.
  22. Belong to a family that LOVES to hang out together.
  23. Live my life without regret.
  24. Go to Hawaii with the man I love.
  25. Take my kids to see the ocean.
  26. Travel up the Oregon coast.
  27. Give forgiveness.

This is just my beginning. Funny that my beginning is now in the middle, who knew? I am lucky, actually. Lucky that I get a second chance at the life I have always wanted. Not everyone gets that.


  1. I am finding that sometimes when your beginning is in the middle that you are so much more aware of what you want in life and what you don't want to repeat and the steps you need to take or avoid to get there. That second chance really can be a blessing if you look at it in the right way. You will love it when you travel up the Oregon coast! My dad grew up there and it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. Make sure you stop at Sea Lion Cave. Your kids will love it! Maybe we can learn to play the guitar is on my list too.

  2. Hey I can help you with the snowboarding part, you tell me when you are ready to go. And swimming with sharks? Really? I hope not the man eating kind! ;)

  3. So many of these are good, but I especially love travel up the Oregon coast :).
