Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Sea Change

What is a sea change? I wondered the same thing. A sea change is a drastic transformation and this is exactly what life has given me. One day I am walking around worrying about what to wear to a party or reminding myself we need batteries. And suddenly I am unraveling lies, deceit and hurt. And my world has suddenly been divided into "before" and "after." Before it was we, a whole family and now it is I, just me. This awful, terrible thing happened and it has changed my life in ways, that if I had had a choice I am not sure I would have changed it. And yet, it has happened it is changed and I will never be the same. So what happens now? Where do I go from here? These are things I am still working on. There are a few things I have already discovered. The first is that the Lord is mindful of me. He knows of my sorrow and my joy and he is with me every step of the way. The second is that happiness is a choice. So, I choose happiness.


  1. Nicole,

    I just read your comments on "sea change". I can totally relate to what you're saying, because, as you know......I've been there too. Divorce is always painful and often not expected or wanted. But it is an opportunity for great growth and refinement. I'm so proud of you and the couragous way in which you are facing this enormous challenge. I wish I could wrap my arms around you and tell you it's all going to be OK....It won't be for a while, but eventually the sadness and pain will lessen. And because you have loving family and friends, and especially the Savior in your life, I know you WILL be blessed. You've always been very special to me, and the greatest friend to Esther. Thanks for your great example and God bless you. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Jennie Murdock

  2. Nicole, I am just glad to hear from you again! *HUGS* I am continually amazed and overwhelmed by your strength, and goodness, and faithfulness!

  3. Hey good to see you on here again. I'm looking forward to updates from your "afterlife." Love ya.

  4. I love your quote at the top. This afterlife thing is tough! I'm glad I have had you to look up to during my sea change. Your strength and attitude have been a blessing for me. You and the kids are always in our prayers. I know the Lord is mindful of you and I know he is mindful of me because he put you in my life! Love you.

  5. You are an amazing gal, Nicole. I've always admired you--your spunk, humor, faith, and strength are so Nicole. A few years ago, when you were going through another rough time, I could see that you turned to the Lord--and I know that's how you are making it through this one. You're my hero.

  6. Your quote resonates with me. In Sunday school today we discussed the exact principle you are talking about. The "text" if you will, was Ether 2:25. Wherein the brother of Jared is discussing with the Lord the winds, waves, and floods that will come upon them as they try to cross the great deep. The best comment of the lesson for me was when a brother pointed out that those 3 things that were grievous to be born and threatened to overwhelm the ship, were also the same things that would drive the ship through the waters and carry it to the promised land. I guess I find hope in the fact that there may be a purpose in pain, though the intial shock is terrible. I look forward to hearing your insights as you uncover them. You go forward bearing a light where many of us, yet unknowing, may one day walk.

  7. Thanks so much for sharing. I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts and experiences. I am inspired by your attitude and they way you keep going. Your strength helps me be stronger and I know your kids will get the same from you. Thanks for example. Love you!

  8. OK I have typed and deleted this comment 3 times. I am not very good at typing my emotions. I am touched by the courage of great women all around me. wow - thanks for sharing

  9. You are so right, happiness doesn't happen you must choose to be happy. I am sorry you are facing this challenge. On a humorous note I often remind myself what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
